Thursday, March 29, 2007

Reaching the Unclean

Sorry that I have been so slacking in posting, I had the week off, so I just tuned out the world anyway, I am back, feeling refreshed and a little inspired. I just finished reading "Rock Priest", and if you are unfamiliar with it, I recommend you find yourself a copy. I is just one guys testimony, but it really shows what God can do if we are willing to submit to Him.

One of the questions it raises is how do we reach the unreachable? How do we become the culture we want to reach, and still remain separate from said culture? These are some of the questions that I have been asking myself, so maybe that is why I liked the book so much. Anyway, I am supposed to be reaching out to hardcore kids and Umass, and the question is how do I do it? What are the symbols and thoughts that pervade the cultures I am supposed to love? And once I know that, how do I use their symbols to tell them of the Gospel effectively?

Well I think the first thing I need to do is figure out who I want to reach exactly. There are of course the hardcore kids, but UMass is huge and has so many different subcultures, that I feel like I need to narrow it down to a specific few or I would become overloaded very quickly.

I know that I want to reach out to the untouchables. Who those people are is up for debate, but I feel like part of them are the alcoholics and drug addicts and "Frat" guys. Now I know down South everyone is in a Fraternity, but at Umass it is about 1% of the population, and they are looked down upon by the rest. However, those people will use them for their parties and booze. (Sorry about the tangent, it is just important to know that "Frat guys" are on the outside here in Massachusetts.) These are the groups I have the most in common with, I think, since I was an alcoholic (that's right I was) and I was in a fraternity (Pi Lambda Phi, for those wondering).

The hard part about this ministry is that when I was drinking, I knew I was on the outside, but I don't think many others did, and this is the struggle. So much of my identity was wrapped up in what others thought about me that I didn't want to admit that I was on the outside. Now eventually I did, but there was a lot of pain first, and once I did Christ healed me, but up until that moment I was doing everything in my power to keep up the charade. Since this is how I was, I can only assume this is how they will be. This is why it is going to be challenging. How do you reach someone who desperately wants to be reached, but wants all those around to think he is not in need of what you are offering? How do you heal someone who is utterly broken, and knows it, but who has faked being well for so long it is all they know. How do you reach out to people whose whole identity is wrapped up in the image of happiness that they have falsely created?

Now I know that we all have built up fake images to show the outside world, but it is so much more with Alcoholics. They desperately want to be like everyone else. They desperately want to be liked. They hide their disease at all costs. I would say that by the end of their drinking career, be it through sobriety or death, they have no more identity except in the hope that others see them as normal. Now reaching these people means that at some level they admit that they are not in fact normal, and proclaim that they are broken to the world. This is the hump they need to get over. How do I help them traverse this road block?

The other obstacle is that most of the people I want to reach aren't quite alcoholics yet. When you are so broken that all you can do is drink, the fact that you are a drunk is evident to all, and you know that your cleverly devised plan to be seen as normal has failed. At this point there is either death or hope This is close to most people's bottoms. I have a heart for these people before they become so desolate. Looking back I had a problem that I knew about well before it ruined my life for a while, and desperately wanted to be reached out to, and to continue my path and appear as normal. I wanted to have a Christian walk beside me and keep me accountable, but I didn't want to have a drinking problem, and I definitely didn't think I needed to give up drinking just yet. This is where I want to help. I could identify with the alcoholic, but refused the label or the help.

That being said, I desperately wanted a way out. I wanted the Gospel, and no on was there to give it to me. I don' think that attacks on my lifestyle would have succeeded in changing me, but a relationship with a Christian would have helped, and a person to talk about God with would have helped me see that I needed help sooner than I did. At least this is what I think now.

So now the question is how do I reach these kids? They are out there, just begging to be found. I think that, like Jesus, I must go and find the lost sheep. They, most likely, are not going to come to me. Second I need to rely on God and His grace to a greater extent than I do now. Third, I think I need to start invading their culture. What does that mean exactly, well I have been kind of exited about going to the fraternities and talking with those guys, as well as hanging out late nights at Umass and seeing what happens. I will keep you updated.

His grace is sufficient, and that is all I really need to remember. He loves these "losers", and I pray that God would use me to reach them for Him.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Let Me Cast A Vision

So I realize that I may have been too harsh in my last blog, and kind of went on a thousand tangents. I hope with this post to change a little of that.

I tend to get really upset when I see the vision and no one else does, or they see it and are not exited about it. But I realize that part of this must be my fault for not casting the vision clear enough, and I do take partial responsibility with that (this is a big step for me).

What I am exited about is these hardcore kids coming to church. What I am exited about is spreading the kingdom. What I am exited about is reaching more people for Christ.

The way I see it, Christianity is not a fun religion. It is not all bake sales and Bible studies with ones friends. Jesus said to carry our cross. We are warned that there is a heavy price to pay when we sign up to follow Him, but in the same breath we are reassured that His yolk is easy. How can this be? Simple. When we have fully surrendered to Him, fully died to self, fully realized what we were called to be, we can do nothing but that.

Can we keep this new life found in Christ a secret after all he has done for us? I would say that if you are a Christian this would be the farthest thing from your mind. Could you in good conscience look down from heaven and see others whom you could have shared the Gospel with suffering for eternity? Can you, after Jesus has healed you return to your suburban way of life unchanged? If your faith is real I hope you would say no to all of these questions.

How then can we not have a church for hardcore kids? And a church in Northampton? And even more plans after that? Whom do you want to reach? Let us start something for them. I know we are all going to be out of our comfort zone, but isn't that where we are most effective witnesses for Jesus? Can we really congratulate ourselves on preaching to the choir? It is when we are in the thick of the Battle that our General is most clear.

We need to feel inferior, out of place. We need to squirm. It is in these situations that we lay before the throne and can ask for guidance.

What I see is hundreds of hardcore kids coming to know who Christ is. I see a church that has hardcore music. I see hardcore bands coming to know Jesus, going on tour, and bringing Christ to others. I see Jesus redeeming them and their subculture as he has me and my life.

Do you see the vision too? Who are the sub-cultures in your life that we need to reach? What are you doing to further the kingdom? Are you uncomfortable yet?

Monday, March 12, 2007

Church Kids Just Don't Get It

This Saturday at 11:30 pm Mercyhouse is beginning its Midnight Service. There will be food and fellowship from 11:30 pm- Midnight, and then a short sermonette followed by some question and answer time. The reason we are starting it is in response to the hardcore concerts we have been hosting here. We have really trying to be lights to these kids and minister to them, and after lots of prayer and discussion, we realized that even if they are interested in Jesus, "church" would probably be too much for them, so we will go to them, instead of whining about how they don't come to us.

Anyway, at first people were really exited, and some still are, but it seems the closer we get to the start, the less people are willing to help. Now I realize that life gets in the way of everything sometimes. I know how hard it is to juggle school, a full time job, friends, church, and them come and do ministry on top of all that. I also know that people are intimidated by the hardcore scene. I am in a special place in our church since I work for it, and doing this Midnight service is part of my job. I also realize that by complaining about the lack of enthusiasm, it turns people off more than makes them exited to help. So I am going to try not to complain that much, and instead cast a vision. Hopefully people will see the mission, get on board, and serve Jesus with joy.

Now I know that these kids are hard to deal with. They are tough, somewhat violent, and extremely smart, and smart asses. All this makes ministering to them very tough. But I want you to see that these are the kinds of people Jesus, Peter, and Paul would have ministered to. Jesus eats with sinners and tax collectors, Peter gives the first sermon in Jerusalem to very smart people, Paul routinely begins conversations with synagogue leaders and Greek philosophers, and Roman Centurions. Now I can't think of smarted people than Greek Philosophers or tougher men than Roman Guards, but these are the people we see being ministered to in the New Testament, and also these are the people that fall in love with Jesus, get the vision of the Church, convert their friends and families, and found the early christian church.

It is not just the New Testament that shows Gods affection for the outcast. Jonah was to preach to the Ninevites, Abraham interceded for Sodom and Gomorrah. Rahab, a prostitute is able to join Israel- and will be in the direct line of the Messiah. Over and over we see God using the "sinners" and tax collectors to further his kingdom.

Well, I don't think these hardcore kids are necessarily "sinners" and tax collectors for our Post-Modern age, but they are pretty close. They are counter culture. They are tough. They are sometimes scary if you are not familiar with their customs and traditions. They are also, in some respects outcasts- that is why they become hardcore. Now if you are a hardcore kid reading this, don't feel too bad. I am not saying you are some freak, I am just telling you what you already knew. That is why you have giant gauged ears and tattoos. You want to reinforce that you are not part of my society. I know you are not in my circle, per se, but I still can respect you for what you are, and if you try to B.S. me into thinking that you are a part of society like anyone else, I promise you will will loose your respect and your hardcore image.

Anyway, these are the kids that God has brought to our church. These are the kids we need to reach. I don't believe in coincidences, I think that there is always a plan. If this is true, that the plan must be to reach these kids. SO lets do it. Now I know that Saturday midnight is late for some of us, but remember how late most people college age stay up Saturdays. When I drank and was a sinner like the rest, my normal bed time was 4 am. I feel that most people in college go to sleep around 2am Sunday Morning. The reason we feel that midnight is so late, is that most Christians are losers. That is why you can't reach the culture.

That's right, most Christans are losers. You would rather get a good night sleep and be ready for church that reach people for Jesus. Let me ask you, when you die, do you think God is going to be more pleased that you went to church on time and alert every week, of that you changed people's lives by showing them Jesus. Ultimately, we are called to reach all the peoples of the world. This includes college age kids who go to bed at 4am and wake up well after church is over. How are they going to hear unless you tell them.

I know I said I was not going to complain that much, and the last paragraph was really a rant at Christians, but sometimes I can't control myself, and I would just erase it, if it didn't need to be said.

Anyway, now for the vision casting time. Mercyhouse already has two services going on, one at 10:30 am, and one at 12:30 pm. But is this all that Jesus wants? Is he content with 200 people worshipping every Sunday? I don't think so. I see Him desiring that all the people of the Pioneer Valley come to know Him who made them. So let us start a third service. Sure it is late, but that is when these kids are up.

My wife lived in Ireland a few years ago, and while she was there, her church fed the homeless. Once they gave food to a homeless person, they would hand them a tract ( a pamphlet explaining Jesus to them) and then would drive away. The main problem here is that the homeless in Ireland have a 70 percent illiteracy rate. This means that they most likely could not read what the tract said. How does this help them know God? I doesn't. I see a parallel here.

If we are not meeting people's needs, but telling them they need Jesus, how are we helping. The needs of Most of Umass, and of the Hardcore scene is someone, something, to meet them on their terms. Part of this, I believe, means having a late night church bible study. If we have church early in the morning and tell them that they should come, it is sort of like handing an illiterate a tract, is it not?

I don't think this is what Jesus did. He went out into the villages, met people where that were. He had compassion on them, he really loved them. When he eats at Levi's house, it is because he knew the easiest way to reach tax collectors was to invade their space. And he doesn't do it so that he can pat himself of the back, but because he really loved these people. He knew what would become of them if they didn't know Him, and He was going to make every effort for them to repent and follow Him, even if that meant eating with tax collectors. It is not the healthy who need a doctor but the sick- and sick people usually can't get themselves to the hospital. Let's bring the hospital to them.

Tonight, as you go to bed, ask yourself what God wants you to do for the kingdom. Jesus demands all of us. We are to take up our cross and follow Him. He is not a way to feel better about yourself (although he will make you well and give you peace) , He is not just a Sunday morning after thought, He is our King, if we call ourselves Christians. He has a plan, and part of that plan he allows us the awesome job of completing, We are told to make disciples of the Nations. Well the Hardcore tribe at Umass needs Jesus as much as you did. Step out of your comfort zone and come love the tax collectors and sinners.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Over Worked, Underpaid, and Loving it

I am trying to post Mondays, but like with all my plans, life gets in the way. A few guys from Mercyhouse helped to build a stage in our church building this week. We were also able to include some of the hardcore kids who have been coming to the shows we host.

In other hardcore news, our church is having a men's retreat this weekend, and another one of the hardcore kids are coming. God is truly moving in the scene. I am so exited for March 17. I realize that it is going to be a lot of work, my wife and I already host 2 house churches, but this third one Saturday night will be worth it.

Anyway, I am giving the sermon this week at church. I am speaking about Mark 4:35- 5:41. You can check it out after at My Joshua sermons are already up there, as well as our normal pastors sermon series for the last few years. We also have a calendar so you can see how many events we as a church are hosting as outreach into the community. If you really want to you can check out our myspace page too- . Enough shameless promotion, here is my thought for the week.

I have heard for years that we are in a post modern world, but it hasn't really set in until recently. I think that my generation, I am 27, was really at the turning point from modern to post modern thought, at least I was, so I think that there are things that we can see that the generation before and after can not. Hopefully this will be a boon. Let me explain what I mean.

I was meeting with a guy in my church. and being younger, he is post modern, but he doesn't even realize it. It is all he has known, so even thinking that there are other modes of thought out there is ridiculous to him. Our conversation led to television, and the types of shows that are now on, and the lies that they are selling. But knowing nothing different, he could not discern what I meant.

In particular, we began discussing ideas of masculinity and femininity it T.V. We talked about how the ideals of man and woman have changed, and how there is now a self perpetuating monster that tells girls that women's liberation means that they should show skin, be unhealthily thin, and pleasure men sexually to feel good, and tells men that they should be women. This young man knew that these were broken ideals, but just assumed these were always the ideals. He had no idea that these are relatively new views of men and women.

I don't really know where I am going with this rant, other than this: As a Christian, I feel it is of the utmost importance to know, not only are we broken, but how that form of brokenness can to be the dominant paradigm. If we don't know our history, we will never be able to expose the lies of Satan. Even other Christians are stuck in the period of time that they are stuck in. Our world view is to some extent defined by where and when we exist. TO really effectively witness to a culture for Christ, we must not only know the culture we are witnessing to, we need to know its roots. If we are to expose the evils of our present age, we must know where those evils grew from.

Just as a side note, we must also know the good of a culture, and celebrate the common grace that that culture was able to accept. If we only condemn the others for their evil ways, and don't praise them for their advances, they won't listen.

I digress though. I would encourage you all this week to really look at the culture you are in, and try to step out of it. I you succeed, I think you will find it s easier to connect with people, since you will know really where they are coming from.

Next week I will have morew time, and hope to speak to this alittle more, until then I leave you with God's peace.