Wednesday, July 25, 2007

What is Greatness

So lately I've been thinking about "Greatness" and what that actually means. Now before I delve into what "Greatness" is, I think it is fair to tell you that I have been thinking about it because I want to be great. I have a fire in my bones, at times. I feel like I have been created to do so much more than I am doing. I fantasize about leading huge multitudes of people, of writing best selling books, of going down ion history as an history writer, as one who made their own destiny. I read about Lincoln, and Calvin, and C.S. Lewis, and I want to do greater things than them.

When I was drinking heavily, I had these delusions of Grandeur as well. And as I study greatness, and what it means, there are a few discoveries I have made, especially pertaining to my own ambitions. It turns out that everyone who I have talked to who has struggled with some sort of chemical addiction believed themselves to be far more important that they actually are. I am sure that I thought this way too. But it is not just the addict who has delusions of Grandeur. The greatest men in history have felt this inside of them as well. Lincoln, and everyone on his cabinet felt from a relatively early age that they were destined to create history. All the great artisans and generals and leaders had this idea that they were great inside of them. So s I contemplate greatness, I am wrestling with my internal struggles. Am I just an addict who thinks too highly of himself, r am I actually destined to do great things.

This may seem extremely prideful, but I really believe that I am destined for "Greatness", so then the question arises, "What is Greatness?" And that is a very hard question indeed. When I was in College, it meant that I would write some great philosophy and be regarded in the ages, and I am not discounting this, but now I think that this is a pale reflection of what greatness could be.

Now, your ideas of greatness may vary from mine, but the men that I consider "Great", at this moment are men like Luther, and Calvin, and Erasmus, etc. Their writing dose survive the ages, but they did so much more. They revolutionized people's lives- they stored for themselves treasures in heaven. They first looked to Christ, and found their worth in Him. I am sure, however, that they had this Holy Drive to do what they were doing. Martin Luther King had a fire in him to lead the country away from segregation. he did not just have the desire to stop segregation, but to lead as well.

I would wager that most of the revolutionaries had this innate desire as well.

But back to what I think is "Greatness". What do I envision with my ambition? I see practical theology books and mega churches in my future. I don;t want a mega church just to have a big church though. I want it because I want to lead thousands to Christ. I want to start a revival the likes of which have never been seen. I want to lead people to God, and watch them thrive because of it.

Please don't get scared when I say Mega church- they are not all bad, Joel Olstein crap, some of them are thriving Acts 2 churches that follow Jesus and are reaching the lost. Many of them are blessings to the community around, and the Kingdom, as they can plant other churches and afford social programs that small churches couldn't dream of. This is the kind of church I want to lead. I want to surround myself with leaders, and train them in their skill. I want to equip people to go and make disciples, as Jesus commands all Christians, I want to be a spark that sets the world on fire.

How I do this, I dunno, but I want to. It is a fire in my bones. It is the deepest desire of my heart. I want to be great.

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