Tuesday, July 10, 2007

This one's not a sermon

Hey, Sorry I have been just posting sermons, but I have been wicked busy. I have been told that people read blogs to find out about others lives, and although this idea is foreign to me, I will post a few pictures this week. I t takes forever to post pics by the way.

Anyway, things are pretty good with Sarah and myself. We are gaining more supporters for our ministry, which is great. It is just confirmation that we are really supposed to be doing this. Summer seems more laid back, but I have been giving a ton of sermons, so it is almost busier for me because I still need to work the hardcore shows and do maintenance and everything else. I still need to realize that sermon writing counts as part of my job and not kill myself those weeks, which is hard because I feel bad asking others to work the shows when I know they don't like them.

Sarah and I are also hosting next semesters leadership group at our house every Sunday night. This is such a great group. I am really refreshed teaching them because they are all hungry for what I am hungry for, a kick-ass service that will change people's lives s well as an awesome fellowship to love people and get them to know Jesus.

We have been planning the details of the service out now, and if everything goes as planned, we are going to have the most kickin' church around. The group is dedicated to sharing their lives with each other and pouring all they are into the unchurched- the group we really want to reach. I can't wait until August when we start doing the work that we are planning now.

Some of the things we have been talking about is ways to make a new comer fell at home, classes for the recently baptised, and ways to reach out into our own little sub communities and open those closest to us up to church. I am really exited about this, but as of right now, there is not much in concrete, so I am not going to get into details quite yet. I will by August though, walk you through a virtual service at MERCYhouse. Hope you like it.

Anyway, I am going to blog more often, I hope, so I will keep you up to date then.

1 comment:

Joe Sheehan said...

Great picture. Keep up the writing.