Saturday, June 16, 2007

For those of you reading my last sermon, you may have noticed a movie clip. I didn't know what I was going to use at the time I posted this, but I now I do. SO here it is.

It is from Glory. The 24 minute. In this clip, the Cornell, Robert Gould Shaw, from the Massachusetts 54, an all black regiment (the first in the country) finds out that the South has issued a special order. They order states that any black man found in Union garb will be killed, and not treated like a prisoner of war. Also, any white man in a black regiment will also be killed.

He tells the men that they may feel free to leave the army. He also tells his officers the same (all of which are white), but he asks them, one on one to stay, but says he understands if they leave. He also says that he is going to fight on.

In the morning, no a single man, enlisted or officer has left.

Then I start my sermon. Enjoy.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Nate, it's colnel